Core Value One - An Eternal Legacy to Advance Humanity
We are Hearts to Humanity Eternal (H2H8). Our primary mission is to empower members to leave an eternal legacy and advance humanity. H2H8 strives to cultivate financial and human resources to facilitate progress in sciences, technology, medicine, education, and social justice. Each Chartered Member will have the opportunity to create a legacy that will be carried forward by H2H8 Association and generations of future Chartered Members. By expanding our knowledge, and moral capacity, we hope to truly understand the "Meaning and Purpose of Life".
Core Value Two - Donations invested for Growth
Member donations are treated as investment capital with growing impact. H2H8 members will contribute through H2H8 Programs. H2H8 Programs are short term investments that are designed to help worthwhile individuals who share our core values.
Core Value Three - No Bias of Country, Race, Ethnicity, Religion, Gender, and Sexual Orientation
H2H8 Association has Zero Tolerance for discrimination, or bias based on country, race, ethnicity, religion, gender and sexual orientation within the function and conduct of our organization and community. H2H8 Members acting within H2H8 Association must restrain from exerting personal bias, or preference over other members. Any H2H8 Association rules, activities, communication, and funding programs must be protected against such biases.
Operational Value One - Quality Membership
Quality membership is the foundation to build an enduring H2H8 Community. Chartered Members are required to make the "Chartered Member's Pledge" as a commitment to uphold H2H8 Core Values. H2H8 must never sacrifice quality membership in order to expand membership quickly, or gain financially. Wealth and power are not qualification to H2H8 membership. H2H8 operation depends on voluntary service of members and these efforts will be deservedly recognized within our organization.
Operational Value Two - A Community to Enrich your Life
H2H8 Community is an opportunity for exceptional individuals with a common goal to join together. To enrich members' lives. To inspire and be inspired!
Operational Value Three - Financial Independence and Transparency
Hearts to Humanity Eternal (H2H8) Association is a nonprofit organization primarily supported by Chartered Members. H2H8 Association is structured to be financially independent, and transparent to Chartered Members as H2H8 stakeholders. H2H8 Association will not seek outside funding. Financial self reliance is provided by donations from members, and H2H8 Endowment Funds.